понедельник, 2 декабря 2013 г.

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day celebration took place at Kreenholmi Library branch on Thursday November, 28. Each year, Americans celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday on the fourth Thursday of November. Most traditions begun on the first Thanksgiving, but only some of them are still preserved and follow each year. Together we’ve watched a video material about the history and traditions of Thanksgiving. Let’s talk about Thanksgiving history, traditional foods and holiday symbols. Games, quiz and activities are a large part of Thanksgiving celebrations. 

Празднование Дня Благодарения состоялось в четверг 28 ноября для учащихся Нарвского Профессионального учебного центра совместно с Кренгольмской библиотекой.
Каждый год американцы отмечают День Благодарения в четвертый четверг ноября. Немногие традиции Дня благодарения дошли до наших дней, но некоторые сохранились и существуют до настоящего времени. Учащиеся посмотрели небольшой видеоролик об истории и традициях Дня Благодарения, а участие в тематической викторине помогло закрепить полученные сведения. Необходимо было ответить на несколько любопытных вопросов к просмотренному материалу. Библиотекарь познакомила студентов с историей, символами и традиционными  блюдами праздника. Игры и забавы являлись неотъемлемой частью празднования Дня Благодарения.
В завершении программы каждый участник мог отведать кусочек традиционного американского тыквенного пирога. Благодарность за приготовленную выпечку хотелось бы выразить группе кондитеров из Нарвского профессионального учебного центра.

Лариса Шапаренко

7 комментариев :

  1. At the beginning of this competition they showed presentation. In the presentation there were interesting illustrations. I remember an image of president Barack Obama and a soccer team with a turkey :). Still it was pleasant to me when they told about traditions of Thanksgiving Day! Generally, everything was cool and interesting.
    Alexey S. 1PKE.

  2. I liked the competition of throwing of balls into a target. I didn't participate in the competition, but watched the event. It was cheerful to watch it. One person participated from our group. In this competition we gained 14 points.
    I liked to solve a crossword puzzle. It was interesting to communicate with the group. There were very interesting questions for a crossword puzzle. I tried to solve words, but did not know them all. One student was so clever that he solved many words. The task was not so difficult because during the presentation there was a lot of information. As a whole, the task was pleasant to me.
    Andrei Sh.1PKE

  3. During the holiday I liked pumpkin pie. Pie was very tasty. It was appetizing, cut into slices. Other students liked the pie too.
    George V. 1PKE

  4. I liked that during the first Thanksgiving Day Indians helped Europeans. Europeans couldn't adapt to life on foreign territory. Indians killed 5 deer and brought meat to a holiday. Indians were human and didn't leave Europeans in trouble.
    Ivan P. 1PKE

  5. I liked that people of one race were not indifferent to trouble of people of other race. I liked that Europeans were at war with Indians, but, nevertheless, came to peace and arranged the feast. I liked that for so many years they didn't forget a holiday. People continue to celebrate Thanksgiving Day till today.
    Anton Sh. 1PKE

  6. I wasn't at the holiday, but it was pleasant to me. Most of all I liked a turkey because it was fried and tasty. Friends told me about a holiday and I regretted that didn't go on it. They told about different games and competitions and prizes.
    Artyom S. 1PKE

  7. There were a lot of smiles during this event and everyone was busy. We met both competition, animosity and a lot of fun . There were plenty of activities, crossword, answering the questions and wordsearch. The committee worked strictly, everything was according to the rules and without any cheat. To my surprise a
    sweet prize was given to everyone who participated at the end of the event, the cake
    is called " Pumpkin pie ", translated into Russian " Pumpkin " was very delicious.
    The event was organised from tip to top, I and my tribe liked everything very much. I would like more such events!
    Buzygin Yegor 1PKE
